Saturday, March 19, 2011

Memory Retrace

It was 2 AM in the night and just as I lied to down to get the required sleep ,suddenly Brian Clough (pronounce as Cluff) was spiraling in my head.For all the non Football Fanatics he is supposedly one of the greatest ever British Football Managers ever to grace England.Thoughts about this man was spiraling around since I had downloaded a sorta biopic on him..."The Damned United" And suddenly I wanted to play the memory game.This is one game where you retrace in the reverse order how you got to the current point.Now I wanted it to be do with The Damned United.This game is my mind's frivolity and I believe it AT LEAST tries to sharpen the blunt and shunted brain I Possess.So here it goes.

Everything in the reverse order.

I lie down to sleep thinking of Brian Clough
From where I am thinking of him......I just saw his page in Wikipedia.
Why Wiki...Because I was redirected to him as I was reading the article on The Damned United on Wiki!!!
Why Damned United???? Because of Michael Sheen who enacted the role of Brian Clough in the movie.
Who Michael.....the same actor who worked in the underworld series.
How come underworld came into the picture....I was going through Michael Sheen's page in IMDB
Why Michael Sheen.....I was looking at the cast of the beautiful boy in IMBD.
Where did the Beautiful boy come from...I was watching its poignant trailer in Youtube.
How did I land up in You tube...I was redirected from Yahoo! Movies.
What I was doing in Yahoo.....I regularly go there to check if any new trailer has come our or not.

So I have successfully retraced my steps from where the begining till the end in the reverse order.
Satisfied that my brain is still working I go to sleep offering some much needed rest to over worked retarded organ.

PS:The event as listed in a reverse order happened on Thursday and I still remember on a groggy Saturday Morning!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sane thoughts.....

Before I say anything I must tell you that origin of this blog took place in my friend's blog page.So basically the one I am going to write is a copy/inspiration of his work.

I start of with this video which you can view either here or in you tube(whichever is fine for you)

I rarely watch random videos in You tube but thankfully I got to see this one and I was filled with various emotions.Heart-wrenching,guilty,shocking...these are the adjectives that would amply describe my feelings.Now I would think twice when I am eating....ensuring that I never ever waste food.Millions of people including children and toddlers go empty stomach to bed.And I also advise you the same.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Burnt Notebook!!!

The following passage which I will post in not my original creation.Few days back when I went home I actually ended up feeling a bit lonely since it was a weekday and all my friends were stuck up with their work.I had gone to a nearby place where there a nice lake and lots and lots of trees...basically a nice ,quite, pristine place where I could contemplate the peace as well as enjoy it.I sat on a rickety wooden bench and was taking in the fresh air which I miss so much these days.I was dangling my legs and it at something.Bent down I picked up and it was a empty beer bottle....damn!! Someone should have the courtesy of keeping something for others(Just jokin!!!!).There was also a torn, half burnt notebook along side with it.Almost 90% of the pages had been burnt and there a a handful of pages which were readable.I Could barely open the notebook and i saw the name of the owner.For the sake of Privacy I am going to change it and re christen it to Anon.I managed to read only one page and found it intriguing.Excerpts for all of us to savor!!!!

"Today is a beautiful day but guess what I am having a bad one!!!
Bumped into Bragagans Psaundta and the man was deeply depressed(Idiot!!).It seems still at this age people make fun of his name.Howling he asked me whether it was his fault that his name turned out to be such!!!!Dudes all you wanna be moms and Pops think before you give a fancy name for your little one...that kiddo might end up like up friend...phew!!!!
But this is not the reason I am a bit...ok grandly depressed.I have to admit I spoke to Mom a bit rudely last night I guess.Mom never argues does not mean I can say anything to her.I feel like I have committed a sin!!!!Today I promise myself one thing:Never ever take your loved ones,your closed ones for granted.They will never say anything if you take advantage of them but I am sure it will come back to haunt you one day!!!!!
I always get jittery when people tell me stuffs which I avoid discussing...yes even to myself..............."

Well there it all ended...I could not read a single more letter even though I wished it had more.I wondered how this person would be and what he/she was doing without the notebook.I was curious to know what happened that someone burnt down his/her "Diary" ...well I guess some questions remain unanswered and that too for the good.
Its time I start from here and I am expected somewhere where hopefully my mood brightens up!!!!