Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Scylla and Charybdis

Just read about an old Greek Mythology story..so wanted to share it.

In Greek mythology, Scylla and Charybdis were a pair of monsters who lived on opposite ends of the Strait of Messina between Italy and Sicily Scylla was originally a sea nymph who was loved by the sea god Poseidon*. Out of jealousy, Poseidon's wife Amphitrite poisoned the waters in which Scylla bathed. This turned Scylla into a six-headed beast with three rows of sharp teeth in each head. When ships passed close by her, she struck out to grab and eat unwary sailors.

Charybdis was also a sea nymph, as well as the daughter of Poseidon. Zeus* transformed her into a dangerous whirlpool across the strait from Scylla. Ships sailing the strait were almost certain to be destroyed by one of the monsters.

nymph minor goddess of nature, usually represented as young and beautiful

epic long poem about legendary or historical heroes, written in a grand style

In the Greek epic the Odyssey], the hero Odysseus lost his ship in Charybdis, but he managed to save himself by clinging to a tree overhanging the water. Later the whirlpool spat up the ship, and Odysseus dropped to safety on its deck. The legend of the two monsters gave birth to the phrase "between Scylla and Charybdis," meaning a situation in which one has to choose between two equally unattractive options.

Read more: Scylla and Charybdis - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, Greek, god, legend, names, tree, hero



Gongaforing said...

Greek mythology is indeed very much interesting.. its a fantastic showcase of human imagination of that ancient time...
You can watch a newly released movie, 'Clash of the Titans'. Its all about the war between those mighty gods and human beings...

OptimuM IconoclasT said...

Sir I have watched the movie,pretty nice I must say.But 300 was better,simply mindboggling!!!!

Gongaforing said...

well.. 'Clash of the Titans' is completely based on mythology. On the other hand, '300' is on history, although the truth is greatly modified there..
I also liked '300'.. mainly for its cinematography.. you know all the backgrounds were digitally made in that movie?
Hey, have you watched 'Meet the Spartans'? its a comedy remake of 300.. :) but its a weired type of comedy... :(

OptimuM IconoclasT said...

i have watched a part of meet the Spartans...very very bad movie!!!!

Abhijit Chakrabarti said...

It is something we are faced with almost everyday.. Awesome on your part to bring out the reason behind it..